Friday, May 31, 2013

Sweet Reunions


Back from a blogging hiatus.
Back from prancing, dancing and hugging around the world... ok, mostly in Alvin, Texas.
Back to being on this couch in the cottage after a busy day of being covered in the most wonderful filth, and after debriefing it all over chips and salsa in good company.

I just went on a world tour of relationships - reuniting after 8 months away from Texas, and then again with my friends and family here after being away for 6 weeks. There's something so special about a reunion. It's that hold-your-breath, butterfly-dancin' exhiliration. It's remembering something treasured. 

There's something about remembering. 
Remembering moments and soul-shaping stories together. 
And tonight I'm thankful that I get to do that here and there, and that the people He's used to shape and spur me on are some of His very best works. I might be biased... but this is my blog. 

Remember together. 
Tell those same stories. 
Hug until your arms hurt. 
Honor above everything. 
Love even when it hurts. 
The hello's and the goodbye's are worth it - they punctuate the parts that fill us. 

Thank you for being a part of my life. I hope for a thousand more reunions with you.