Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hide and Speak

Hey, stop reading my journal!
Ok fine… I posted it. PLEASE read it.
I’m inviting you in to my conversation with God today.
I’m asking You to do this with me and be accountable in my life and your own for what I’m praying for. Here we go...

Sometimes I feel like a child.
Like my faith is completely lacking. Like I don’t believe in what You say and what You’ll do. You even tell other people who speak truth and wisdom to me, and I’m still afraid.

But that’s not a child at all. You told us to be more like children. Because they believe without question. They expect the biggest, the boldest and the best…. Until something breaks.

It’s that moment of realizing your parents aren’t perfect. Or when it suddenly becomes about something more than you. It’s when you realize you may not be completely safe or completely protected all the time. Bad things really can happen.

That’s when doubt creeps in. That’s when we realize we’re naked before that one bite of rotten fruit even digested.

Exposed without protection from the elements. Vulnerable with no promise of security on earth.

That’s when, instead of thinking about rainbow-sized promises and the infinite majesties of the Creator, we start thinking of the ways we don’t measure up and start reaching for an invisibility cloak rather than the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6:10-17).  
At least that’s what I do.

Hiding in the bushes while You’re walking through the garden looking for me.

You know where I am. Yet You’re calling out to me, longing for me to come to You. You knew all of me before I did. Why do I feel like I have to hide?

Shadows, bushes and valleys.
Or light, gardens and mountaintops.
Wherever we are, You’re still calling out.

The only thing that ever stays the same is You.

I’m in Africa. That’s on purpose. You said to come.
I don’t want to hide in the bushes while I’m here. (There are snakes!)

You’ve said over and over again that this is a year for Truth and Promises. It’s a year to speak them out wherever I am, to live by them and to believe in them more than I believe in all that rotten fruit, nudey pants stuff.

I do. And I will.

You’ve also said it’s necessary this year… in a this-might-hurt kind of way. You have big plans to expand my ministry. I don’t want to be the one who limits You. You don’t need me to do Your work, and it’s an honor to be invited into the story of Your Glory.

I believe in You. I believe in what You say.
I know You and You know me.

The only hiding I want to do is when You call me to come away for a Beloved getaway with My Maker.

I need help. I need MORE of You. Speak Your Truths and Promises to me, and I will speak them out wherever I go.

I promise.

There you have it, friends and family… Truth and Promises Year
It’s a lofty calling, not as exciting and cheerleader-ish as it sounds.

In fact… Can we start this now?

If you’re reading this now (ahem… you are), if a Truth or a Promise came to mind, or if God has spoken one to you lately… or ever… post it as a comment on my blog.

Let’s start speaking out His Truth now. Let’s proclaim His Promises and see how it feels to brag about Who He Is. Let’s set our sites on The Way, The Truth and The Life and we won’t be able to stay hidden. We’ll be those kids in the hide-and-seek game who run out to find the seeker because it feels so good to be found. To be known. To be in the light instead of the dark.

Let’s do it.
Start now.


  1. God has promised me continually throughout my relationship with Him that he will draw me to Him and call me his righteous, even when I feel so bad and inadequate. He often uses scripture in Isaiah and uses the imagery of a strong tree. I love that!

    Kacy, God spoke to me while I was reading your blog. I usually wouldn't say something like this but I feel a strong urging that He wants me to tell you that Abraham had such a hard time with the pain of sacrificing Issac but he went out into the desert (like Africa for you) and believed in God. It turned out God had great plans for him and his son, he just wanted to draw Abraham near Him! I hope you find this encouraging.

  2. You are dearly loved and admired by those you know, and some you have yet to meet. God will use you and your passion to catch fire to many others that you may never even meet or see.
