Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Halfway there!

Muleshani! (That's hello in Bemba)

I'm in Zambia!

This is just a quick update for my prayer warriors and for Debbie Ginn to let you know we've made it halfway! God has been going CRAZY in providing for us, and we have been continuously surprised since arriving in Lusaka, Zambia with great food, amazing people, a wonderful hotel, a great night's rest, and lots of financial blessings. We are checking out now and getting ready to load up for 24 hours on a bus.

Please pray for safe travels. Several of us are having a gammet of health issues -which are much more difficult to manage on a bus. But we're in this for the long haul! The people of Zambia are beautiful and it's a beautiful day. We are welcomnig the adventure!

Thank you for your prayers. We feel them! Keep 'em coming!


  1. Thank you girl for including me!! I'm praying for ya'll every day! Take care of each other and tell my Boo I love and miss her!

  2. I'm proud of you and what you're doing. And I hope the rest of your time in Africa is full of beautiful things, kind people, and all manner of miracles. And however many pictures per day you're taking now... double it.

  3. Cousin,
    You're still deep in my thoughts and prayers!
    =) I want to come play in Africa with you.
    I love you so very much, and everyone I tell about this blog and your great adventure in Africa, with houses and orphans, feels the same way.
    I hope God continues to bless you, and you continue to climb mountains in order to sing and dance at the top.

  4. Miss you soooo much but praying that everyday is full of God stories and that you are feeling our prayers!!!
    Love Ya Lots Mom Waters
