Friday, November 5, 2010


I LOVE these kids.

I love them so much. I love their faces. Their eyes. Their sweet hearts. The way God loves them intensely through their vulnerability.

And I really really really love their hugs and kisses.

Last Wednesday in Mbonisweni, I realized that I was officially that girl... All I have to do is making the kissy noise... "MmmmmmmWUAH" and I'm surrounded by puckered lips. 

We were made to be loved. To be known. To be the object of His affection and to know that through His people.
I spent the afternoon, with a sleeping Lifa on my shoulder, walking around kissing with my camera. You HAVE to see this.

I can't get enough. Really. I can't.

With lips like these...


At this point their puckered lips were running up to the camera. Of course it was gonna cost them a kiss....

Absolutely gorgeous.

Teensy sweet little lips.

How can you not want THAT?

Lifa was too sleepy to participate. But he didn't really have a choice.

I got him!

Even sassy pants loves the kisses.

Even the big boys! Oh man. Look at them.

My Perfect Twins.


Sweet girl blowing you a kiss goodbye.


  1. after stalking your blog.... i spotted my sweet boy! oh my goodness... my heart sank. i need those kisses!
