Tuesday, May 3, 2011

He's here! He's here!

Lifa’s here!!!

I’m THRILLED to announce that Lifa will be staying with us at Ten Thousand Homes for the next three weeks. We’ll use every minute possible for playing, hugging, kissing and loving full-on.

It hasn’t even been 24 hours, and I’m watching hope and home flood his perfect little features and fill his laugh. He’s still shocked in a lot of ways. His entire 3 years has been spent moving around and never knowing if the next move is safe.

Pray for him to understand this is a safe place where he is loved fully in a way that will never change. Pray for his and his family’s story of restoration to continue growing and thriving. Pray for us and his family here.

I am out of internet and will have to go in search of some airtime to post today… and am totally distracted by a certain little somebody. The details of yesterday… and trust me, there are some amazing details you need to hear… will have to wait.

If I have anything to share about yesterday’s Lifa Day, it is that God’s plan in this is so so so much bigger than I could try to put into words. Pray for my complete surrender to grace and sovereignty, and for even MORE love.

Right now, I’m listening to Lifa sing in SiSwati at the top of his lungs on a see-saw with a Portugese-speaking boy. Laughs are abounding. Squeals of delight are escaping. And I am a happy, happy girl.

I love you. Thank you for praying. 

He's really here!

Just having a little apple snack and cottage time.
And playing mirror games, of course.

Look at this perfect little face.
And we're ready for bed.

A perfect morning... playing with his new toy from Mama Waters!

 Playing on the mat GoGo gave me by the light of the heater. Like our own little fireplace.

Playing in the yard with Lindsey and Ethan!
Trampoline fun with Joshua. Awesome to watch 2 boys who speak different languages giggle so much together. 


  1. Tears are welling up as I look at this precious baby and read your sweet words, we love you both so much and I can't wait to hear both of your voices!!

  2. I love little boys in footed-pajamas!

  3. Oh Kacy! This is so exciting! I am praying for your love to be more than you could even know you could give. He is so precious. I just love him! :) God is awesome in what he gives those in his will. You are an inspiration to the rest of us in how to give unselfishly with the love that Christ gave to us. I am in awe of God and what he is doing. There is so much more to come.... :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    do i really get to see him?! and hug him and kiss him and squeeze him and love him and spoil him?! i cannot wait! i'm going to bring him a special little present just for being so darn cute!

  6. OMG he is more than perfect and I am sending you two a big hug right now!!!! Lifa come play with Mom Waters and Lucas Pleaseeeeeee!!
