Sunday, August 29, 2010

Texas Sheetcake and African Fingerpaint

I'm celebrating my 26th birthday tomorrow - in a new country, a new culture and with a new family. I'm excied for a day to celebrate new relationships that somehow already feel like family.

I had to keep the birthday traditions from my family alive though - celebrate as many times as you can get away with!

I wanted to celebrate first with my African famiy in Mbonisweni... because, really, what's a birthday without Lifa love? It's no birthday at all. I brought over the delicious Texas sheetcake Nicci sent me a recipe for and GoGo prepared an incredible meal. We sang, we laughed and we celebrated together. And now, as I'm still riding the sugar-high, I'm overwhelmed by God's faithfulness to always set me in a family no matter where I am in the world.

Thank you for being a part of my family as I sometimes stumble and sometimes dance my way through this undeserved adventure with Christ. As I celebrate birthdays, families and relationships, I want you to know that I'm celebrating the impact you've made in my life today too. In fact... I'll give Lifa an extra kiss for you. ;)


  1. Hi Kacy!! Beautiful photos and notes to accompany them. Wishing you a very blessed birthday but I know it has already come true!!
    Heather Corona

  2. Happy happy birthday, love. Glad you shared it with us!
